A Commitment for Mother's Day

As I was reading today, I came across this verse:

"O Lord Almighty,if you will look down upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime." 1Samuel 1:11 I think this verse is so beautiful and I can understand Hannah's heart felt prayer. But Hannah was true to her word and when she was blessed with, her son, Samuel she dedicated her son back to the Lord and surrendered him for his whole life. I can't even imagine that kind of love and faithfulness.

It wasn't that long ago, that Mother's Day was a little awkward and I would have to smile and say thank you when strangers would wish me a Happy Mother's Day. Or I would have to answer the questions, "why don't you have kids?" So if that is where I am meeting you right now, I am committed to praying for you. I know Mother's Day can be a tough.

Today, Mother's day is uniquely special to me. I never thought I would be more excited to celebrate Mother's Day over my birthday or any other holiday, but I am. My heart just rejoices that the Lord has blessed me with the privilege to have stewardship of His children. And I think at the same time it rejoices, it breaks. It breaks for all the ways I have failed or not done the best I could have.

So as Mother's day approaches, for Mother's Day, I am writing my heartfelt commitment to my children.

Kyler and Charlie,

Today I commit my life to the Lord first so that you will know how much you are loved. That you will always know that as much as I love you, Jesus loves you more. I don't understand it, but He gave His life to prove it. I owe it to you to "acknowledge Him in all my ways" Proverbs 3:6 so that I may be the mother you need to ultimately live a life for His purpose. That you may live a life that will radically change those around you. I pray that I can raise you with the confidence to go to the ends of the earth and proclaim the gospel. To have a confidence that I have always dreamed of. I pray that your boldness is undeniable, but your heart is full of compassion. I am committing today,to love you, even when you don't love me back. To always pray for you. To pray for your future friends, husbands and wives. I am committed to loving you so much that I will say no, even if all the moms are saying yes. I am committed to not being the cool mom, but the mom who cares more about your well being. I am committed to losing sleep, so that I can pray for you when you need it most. I commit my time and desires to be for your well being. I am committing that you will always know your value in my life. I am committed to your father. Lastly, I am committing your lives back to the Lord. I know I will fail at these things everyday, but He never will fail you and I am committed to teaching you that.

My precious babies, I love you always!!

I pray that where ever you are today in your life, children are grown,not yet born, in another home, at home with the Lord, or yanking at your feet right now, that you have a Happy Mother's day!!

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