The Hospital Meeting

Yesterday Dave and I went to our first Hospital Meeting with Sarah (the director of the Adoption Center) and Faith's birthmama. Although we have adopted twice before this was the first time we actually got to have this meeting. This meeting helps us to all have a game plan for when Faith is born and for us to all be on the same page. Sarah facilitates the entire meeting, asking all the tough questions and allows us to picture the details.

It was an exciting meeting because it started to really get us excited about Faiths arrival in just 6 weeks!! But today I am starting to really understand the loss that is going to occur.  You see, I love "N" with all my heart. I am 100% positive that her and would be the closest of friends in another situation. So as excited as I am about Faith, I am losing one of my closest friends. I know that this sounds so odd! Trust me, a few years ago or even months ago I never would have understood this relationship. But I know God has knitted us together in such a unique way that we just get each other. We are so similar in so many ways! I have questioned why would God bring us together only to have us part in just a few short weeks. We are going to have an open adoption, but we both know that we have to set some boundaries in order for her to heal and us to parent Faith.

I can't imagine what life is going to be like not getting to visit with her, text her and just laugh with her. She is hilarious!! We are slowly starting to talk less and I find myself missing her so much. I wholeheartedly know that God has a purpose for us and brought us together for a reason. I know time will tell. What I love about this relationship, other than I have found a beautiful friendship, is that I know her heart. We will get to share with Faith all about how much her mother loved her. We will be able to share little details that we wouldn't have learned if we had a closed adoption. I just think that is an awesome gift that Faith will someday have.

I never could have fathomed that 4 years ago when Dave and I signed up to start the adoption process that we would have experienced what we have experienced. In fact, just a few months ago, I never fathomed that the woman we were matched with would turn out to be one of my dearest friends. God's ways are really so much better than our own.

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